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Employment Incubator 4.0

Preparing students for the jobs of the future.

Enacad prepares students for emerging careers by providing training in cutting-edge technologies, digital skills, and future-oriented competencies.

Employment Incubator 4.0
Employment Incubator 4.0
Enacad is proud to be an Employment Incubator 4.0, a concept that focuses on bridging the gap between academia and industry. Through our academic alliance, we collaborate with universities and institutions to foster innovation, skill development, and employment readiness among students. This collaborative effort allows us to identify and nurture talent early on, ensuring that we provide forward-thinking staffing solutions for the ever-evolving enterprise landscape.
Technology Centers of Excellence (TCoE)
Technology Centers of Excellence (TCoE)
Enacad’s academic alliance plays a pivotal role in our staffing solutions. We collaborate with universities and institutions to establish Technology Centers of Excellence (TCoE), where industry-leading practices, knowledge, and innovation are nurtured. This partnership enables us to tap into a pool of talented individuals who have been trained in cutting-edge technologies, ensuring that we connect enterprises with professionals who possess the latest skills and expertise.
Employability Support
Employability Support
Our commitment to students success extends beyond simply providing employment solutions. We offer end-to-end support throughout the placement process, from Live Interactive Training, Assignments, Conducting Mock Interviews, Certification, Identifying Job Requirements, Developing Job Profiles, Identifying Skill and finally placement.
Collaboration with Ental
Collaboration with Ental

As a division of Ensetu, Ental specializes in staffing solutions, working hand in hand with Enacad to address the specific talent requirements of enterprises. Our collaboration allows us to leverage the expertise and resources of both entities, providing a seamless and integrated approach to staffing that caters to the diverse needs of businesses.

Whether you need skilled professionals for specific projects, temporary staff to meet peak demand, or permanent employees to drive long-term growth, we have the capabilities to fulfill your staffing needs efficiently and effectively. Our enterprise-focused staffing solutions ensure that you have access to the right talent at the right time.

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